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LLVM Passes for Security: A Pass for Fuzzing – Coverage and Context-sensitivity (Part 4/4)


This module doesn’t add too many novel concepts, compared to the previous ones, but still, it shows a trending application of LLVM for security, i.e., fuzzing. Our goal is to create a pass that instruments a target to log the code coverage. As a further exercise, we’ll then implement an additional instrumentation feature, i.e., context sensitivity (simply taken from AFL++).. Our refernce tool will be AFL++, and thus our pass will work with this fuzzer, even though in principle many of the ideas we’re going to exploare are equivalent with other fuzzers.

LLVM Concepts

What we want to implement

I assume that you already have an idea about how fuzzers work. Anyway, the role of a compiler pass in fuzzing, is to instrument a target according to one of the many existing approaches, in such a way that the instrumentation will collect some information about the status of a certain execution. Such type of information, a.k.a. feedback, drives the fuzzer to discover different program points. For instance, in the first part of this exercise, we develop an edge-coverage instrumentation AFL-style. This essentially logs when new edges are discovered and takes into account how many times these are executed. In the second part instead, we’ll implement a more sophisticated technique to take into account not just the edge-coverage but also the context, i.e., the routines/methods invoked before reaching a certain point.

Our implementation

For this implementation, I’ll refer to AFL++ commit 147654f8715d237fe45c1657c87b2fe36c4db22a. Let’s start.

First, let’s try to reproduce the edge-coverage with hitcounts, typical of AFL/AFL++. As usual, we’ll need to iterate over all basic blocks of the CFG. As you probably know, the core idea is to assign a random id for each block and then encode an adge in the following way:

shared_mem[cur_location ^ prev_location]++; 
prev_location = cur_location >> 1;

Thus, this means that we have to access two variables in the runtime, namely, a variable for the shared memory between the fuzzer and the target (__afl_are_ptr) and a variable for the previous basic block (__afl_prev_loc). Thus, we’ll start by creating two GlobalVariable objects:

    GlobalVariable *AFLMapPtr = new GlobalVariable(M, Int8PTy, false, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, 0, "__afl_area_ptr");
    GlobalVariable *AFLPrevLoc = new GlobalVariable(M, Int32Ty, false, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, 0, "__afl_prev_loc", 0, GlobalVariable::GeneralDynamicTLSModel, 0, false);

Then for each basic block, we need to represent the pseudocode mentioned above. For the current location, we can just create a random number modulo the size of the map. Then we’ll issue a Load instruction to read the value contained in __afl_prev_loc:

            cur_loc = random() % map_size;
            Constant* CurLoc = ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, cur_loc);

            LoadInst* LoadPrevLoc = IRB.CreateLoad(AFLPrevLoc);
            LoadPrevLoc->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(*C, None));
            Value* PrevLoc = static_cast<Value*>(LoadPrevLoc);

At this point we can load the __afl_are_ptr at the index cur_location ^ prev_location and increase the counter by one:

            LoadInst* MapPtr = IRB.CreateLoad(AFLMapPtr);
            MapPtr->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(*C, None));

            Value* MapPtrIdx = IRB.CreateGEP(MapPtr, IRB.CreateXor(PrevLoc, CurLoc));

            LoadInst* NumberOfHits = IRB.CreateLoad(MapPtrIdx);
            NumberOfHits->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(*C, None));

            Value* Add = IRB.CreateAdd(NumberOfHits, One);

Finally, we store the result of the addition at the same position inside the bitmap and we shift right the current location by 1:

            StoreInst* UpdateHits = IRB.CreateStore(Add, MapPtrIdx);
            UpdateHits->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(*C, None));

            StoreInst* UpdatePrevLoc = IRB.CreateStore(ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, cur_loc >> 1), AFLPrevLoc);
            UpdatePrevLoc->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(*C, None));

We’re done! Now, we can think of many improvements. For instance, one thing that was introduced in AFL++ is to check that the hitcount never reaches 0 (otherwise this would result in a wrong coverage evaluation when the hitcount overflows). To achieve this, you can use the following code:

            Constant* ZeroConst = ConstantInt::get(Int8Ty, 0);
            auto comparisonFlag = IRB.CreateICmpEQ(Add, ZeroConst);
            auto carry = IRB.CreateZExt(comparisonFlag, Int8Ty);
            Add = IRB.CreateAdd(Add, carry);

At this point there’s no limit to the potential improvements that can introduce. You can use two shared maps, you can create different feedback mechanisms, introduce a more lightweight instrumentation policy, etc. Here, just to report an example, I implemented an additional feedback based on context-sensitivity, i.e., when we reach a program point, we don’t just take into account the two basic blocks but also the context (function calls invoked so far essentially). We assign a second random ID for each entry block and then this ID represents the context for that function. Thus, we update a variable to store the current value of the context (i.e., the xor of the previous function IDs).

    LoadInst* PrevCtxLoad = IRB.CreateLoad(AFLContext);
    PrevCtx = static_cast<Value*>(PrevCtxLoad);
    PrevCtxLoad->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(*C, None));

    unsigned cur_ctx = random() % MAP_SIZE;
    Value* CurCtx = ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, cur_ctx);

    StoreInst* StoreCtx = IRB.CreateStore(IRB.CreateXor(PrevCtx, CurCtx), AFLContext);
    StoreCtx->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(*C, None));

Now, if context-sensitivity is enabled, we need to include the context whenever we encode an edge in the shared memory. Thus, we can xor the PrevCtx variable with the PrevLoc:

   PrevLoc = IRB.CreateZExt(IRB.CreateXor(PrevLoc, PrevCtx), Int32Ty);

Finally, we need some code to restore the context whenever we exit from the function, e.g., when we meet a ReturnInst:

    if (isa<ReturnInst>(I)) {
        IRBuilder<> Restore_IRB(I);
        StoreInst* Restore = Restore_IRB.CreateStore(PrevCtx, AFLContext);

        Restore->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(*C, None));

Don’t forget that at compile-time you’ll have to link against the object file that contains the AFL++ runtime named afl-compiler-rt.o (see the cc compiler wrapper python script). Now you can compile a target with our wrapper cc.py and let the fuzzer run.

As for the other passes that we developed in this course, you can find the code here.